








Scientist Peter Daszak‘s work is helping in the search for a COVID-19 cure。 Then why did President Trump cancel funding for his research?

It is an unwise decision amid a public health crisis。 Trump is blaming the Chinese government for the pandemic because Wuhan was the first city to report COVID-19 infections。

The global medical fraternity is yet to reach a consensus on the place of origin of the virus。 However, Daszak‘s research funding was suspended in the U.S。 two weeks ago because of his collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the place where Trump alleges the virus was created and leaked。

Daszak says the political move is damaging to the pursuit of a COVID-19 vaccine。

At a critical moment in the fight against the pandemic, the U.S。 government tried to blame the Chinese government to divert the public attention from its own political and economic conflicts– a typical“wag the dog” act。

 Peter Daszak

Peter Daszak







U.S。 Rep。 Matt Gaetz, R-Florida, speaks during a rally hosted by FreedomWorks on September26, 2018, at the West Lawn of the Capitol in Washington, D.C。


盖兹在“Tucker Carlson Tonight”节目上说,“美国国立卫生院向武汉病毒研究所提供了370万美元的资助。”


Peter Daszak is a British-born American Ph.D。 He devoted himself to discovering dangerous viruses in wildlife, especially bats。

In 2003, in Malaysia, he warned of a pandemic in an interview with CBS“60 Minutes” program。

He was worried that most of the public won‘t be aware of the next emerging disease, and they would suddenly face a SARS virus moving from one part of the planet to another, wiping out people’s lives。

17 years later, the prophecy seemed to have turned true。 Daszak became the president of EcoHealth Alliance, headquartered in New York。

The Alliance has been working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology for 15 years。 Together, they‘ve cataloged hundreds of bat viruses, and the research is at a critical stage。

On April 14, Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz claimed China‘s Wuhan Institute had, quote,“birthed a monster。” He is a firm defender of President Trump。

Matt Gaetz on“Tucker Carlson Tonight”: The NIH gives this 3.7-million-U.S。-dollar grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology。“

In reality, the United States never allocated 3.7 million U.S。 dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but the lie went viral from the White House“newsroom” without verification。









The alliance works with labs around the world, and the research funding was so important to Daszak‘s team last year, Trump’s administration reapproved and increased funding。

However, on May 10, the Trump administration said it would soon end the funding because of misleading rumors。

On April 20, Trump said that we are working closely with the Chinese government to fight the coronavirus。

At first, he spoke highly of China, but in the following weeks, the outbreak began to spread widely after a shortage of testing equipment in the United States。

In order to solve the political and economic conflicts in the United States, the White House has turned its attention to the Chinese government, and even cut the funding for EcoHealth Alliance。

How many times will the U.S。 use its“wag the dog” tactic to solve its internal problems?

美国国内肉供给不足 怪中国买多了? 疫情改变出行方式?意外“走红”的自行车