


随着有美国媒体报道美国副总统彭斯开始自我隔离后,白宫副总统发言人奥马利(Devin O‘Malley)表示,彭斯“将继续遵守白宫医疗小组的建议,目前没有隔离”。


U.S。 Vice President Mike Pence will continue to follow the advice of the White House Medical Unit and is not in quarantine, said Devin O‘Malley, the vice president’s spokesman。

The spokesman‘s remarks followed a report by Bloomberg, citing people familiar with the situation, that Pence is self-isolating away from the White House following his press secretary’s diagnosis of COVID-19 on Friday。

“Additionally, Vice President Pence has tested negative every single day and plans to be at the White House Monday,” said the spokesman。

此前,美联社(AP)和彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)均以“自我隔离”来描述彭斯采取的预防措施,但美国全国广播公司(NBC News)引述一位高级官员的话说,彭斯在周末和其他人“稍微保持了点距离”,未来几天行程不多,但他不会进行全面自我隔离。


AP and Bloomberg News both used the term“self-isolating” to describe Pence‘s preventative measure, but NBC News cited a senior official as saying that“Pence’s precautions did not amount to self-isolation because there are no restrictions on his schedule。”

The official added that the vice president“will be low-key for the next couple of days。”

According to NBC News, Pence was putting“a little distance” between himself and others over the weekend。

He has previously been criticized for failing to wear face masks。 During a recent visit to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, Pence didn‘t wear a mask, going against the clinic’s protocol that all visitors need to wear a face covering。


彭斯的新闻秘书凯蒂·米勒(Katie Miller)在上周五(8日)新冠病毒检测呈阳性。作为白宫防疫专家团队的负责人,彭斯是目前采取限制措施避免社交接触的最高级别政府官员。此前,特朗普的一名助手和其长女兼高级顾问伊万卡的一名助手也先后被确诊,引发外界对高级政府官员遭受传染可能性的担忧。

Pence, who leads the White House Coronavirus Task Force, is the latest and highest-ranking member of the administration to take restrictive measures to avoid social contact after his press secretary Katie Miller tested positive for the virus on Friday。

In addition to Miller, both a personal valet to President Donald Trump and an assistant to Ivanka Trump– the first daughter and Trump‘s senior adviser– had positive tests in recent days, raising concerns about senior administration officials’ possible exposure to the contagion。


Three senior officials guiding the U.S。 response to the coronavirus pandemic were also in self-quarantine on Saturday after coming into contact with someone who had tested positive for the disease, their agencies and spokesmen said。

The officials were Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Robert Redfield, director of the CDC and U.S。 Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn。

Fauci told CNN that he would undergo a“modified quarantine” after testing negative and having not been in close proximity to Miller。

The leading health expert is expected to attend a Senate hearing on the pandemic, set to be held remotely on Tuesday。



According to CNN, Trump expressed concern in a weekend conversation that aides contracting coronavirus would undercut his message that the outbreak is waning and states should begin reopening。

Citing a person who has spoken to the president, CNN reported that Trump has asked why his valets weren‘t ordered to wear masks before this week。




The death toll of the coronavirus in the United States has surpassed 79,000, with nearly 1.33 million cases confirmed, according to Johns Hopkins University‘s tally。

Kevin Hassett, a senior economic adviser to President Donald Trump told CNN on Sunday that it can be risky to go to work in the West Wing amid the coronavirus pandemic。“I think that I‘d be a lot safer if I was sitting at home instead of going to the West Wing。”

近日,特朗普宣称即使没有疫苗,疫情也会自然而然地消失。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学健康安全中心主任汤姆·英格尔斯比(Tom Inglesby)在接受福克斯新闻(Fox News)采访时表示反驳,并警告说,即使一些州选择性重新开放,美国仍处于疫情的早期阶段。

“No, this virus isn‘t going to go away,” Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Disease Security, said in disputing President Donald Trump’s recent claim that the pandemic will be resolved without a vaccine。

With more and more states taking steps to reopen their economy, the expert warned in a Fox interview that the country is“still in the early stages of the pandemic。”

疫情改变出行方式?意外“走红”的自行车 环球时报社评:美对华舆论战不断翻新,中国抗得住