莱茵河水位创历史新低 欧洲能源危机恐雪上加霜


莱茵河水位创历史新低 欧洲能源危机恐雪上加霜

Photo taken on August 11, 2022 shows the exposed riverbed oftheRhine in Kaub in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany./Xinhua



Germany's industry is fearing supply disruptions as the ongoing drought causes water levels of theRhine to fall to record lows, the Federation of German Industries(BDI) said on Tuesday.

The Rhine Waterways and Shipping Office(WSA) said on Tuesday that the situation on the Middle Rhine, where the river is the shallowest, remains tense. The water level in Kaub currently stands at 32 centimeters, which is equivalent to a channel depth of only 1.44 meters.

莱茵河水位创历史新低 欧洲能源危机恐雪上加霜

A barge in front of the Rhine Kneibrücke Bridge near Düsseldorf, Germany, August 11, 2022./CFP

德国工业联合会(Federation of German Industries)副会长霍尔格罗希(Holger Loesch)在一份声明中表示,企业正在为最坏的情况做准备,“这些公司本已紧张的经济状况正在恶化”。

德国基尔世界经济研究所(Kiel Institute for the World Economy)上周发出警告——如果考布镇监测站的水位连续30天低于78厘米的临界水位,这个欧洲最大经济体的工业产出将下降约1%。

"Companies are bracing themselves for the worst," said BDI deputy managing director Holger Loesch in a statement."The already tense economic situation in the companies is worsening."

"It is only a matter of time before plants in the chemical or steel industry are shut down, mineral oils and building materials fail to reach their destination, or large-volume and heavy transports can no longer be carried out," Loesch warned.

If water levels at the Kaub monitoring station remain below the critical mark of 78 centimeters for a period of 30 days, the industrial output of Europe's largest economy would decline by around onepercent, the German Kiel Institute for the World Economy warned last week.





莱茵河水位创历史新低 欧洲能源危机恐雪上加霜

An exterior view of the natural gas landing station of the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea Pipeline, Lubmin, Germany, August 04, 2022./CFP

German households face an energy surcharge reaching hundreds of euros in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, according to the rate published Monday, prompting the government to promise relief measures.

The charge has been set at 2.419 cents per kilowatt hour, Trading Hub Europe, a non-profit company of energy network operators in Germany, said.

For a family of four with an annual average energy usage of 20,000 kilowatt-hours(kWh), this would come to about€483.80before goods and services taxes.

The surcharge is aimed at sharing out the soaring costs borne by energy importers amid reduced gas supply from Russia.

Gas importers have so far taken on the additional costs themselves, but a new rule agreed by the government allows them to pass on ballooning costs via the levy to households from October 1.





莱茵河水位创历史新低 欧洲能源危机恐雪上加霜

Mannequins are displayed in the window of a store with the lights off to comply with the Spanish government's measures to save energy, amid Russia-Ukraine conflict, in Ronda, Spain./Reuters



In the UK the government has taken steps to support households under pressure from the cost of living crisis with measures worth some£38 billion.

They include about£400off energy bills and a further£650off for lower-income families, funded in part by a windfall tax on oil and gas companies.

It's a similar story around Europe. InItaly the government has put in place a€14 billion fuel subsidy and investment plan to help struggling consumers.Lower-income earners willreceive a€200 annual bonus.

Italy alsosays it's going to tax companies profiting from higher energy prices.

In Spain the government is similarly taxing energy companies and using the€6.3billion revenue to help its citizens. Authorities have also cut value added tax on energy bills from 21percent to 10percent.

France has gone in even harder on the energy providers and forced state owned EDF to limit price rises to fourpercent for a year. However, while the government will spend around€20billion helping its citizens, that translates into one-off payments to consumers of about€100.

责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

《金融时报》:欧洲多家银行已允许客户出售俄罗斯债券 北极圈也在经历百年一遇的“烤验” 人类正失去这片净土?