波音737着陆后起火 网友:波音你咋那么多事儿呢?



波音737着陆后起火 网友:波音你咋那么多事儿呢?

The aircraft, belonging to Ukrainian low-cost SkyUp Airlines, had some trouble while landing in Sharm El Sheikh。 Just as the plane finished taxiing on the tarmac, the landing gear on its left side suddenly burst into flames。 The bright fire raged for about a minute before airport staff put it out with fire extinguishers。


Via RT


Surveillance video of the incident shows ramp workers fetching fire-extinguishers from ground-support vehicles standing by to receive the aircraft, and appearing to tackle the blaze within 1min of its starting。


There is no immediate indication of evacuation from the surveillance video, and the airline has not clarified when the passengers left the aircraft。


The Egyptian civil aviation ministry says the fire“could have turned into a disaster” but states that staff from EgyptAir Ground Services dealt“professionally” with the fire, preventing its spreading to other parts of the aircraft。


It attributes the fire to a leak of hydraulic oil。 SkyUp says EgyptAir engineers inspected the aircraft and that it will undergo replacement of its wheel assembly and brakes。


ViaFlight Global

自从波音737 MAX 8的坠机事故之后,波音公司接连被曝出各种各样的安全问题。


波音737着陆后起火 网友:波音你咋那么多事儿呢?

Around 50 Boeing 737 NG planes have been grounded after cracks were detected in them。

在发现裂纹后,大约50架波音737 NG飞机被停飞。

Earlierlastmonth, the Federal Aviation Authority(FAA) issued guidance stating that planes with 30,000 or more“cycles”– take-offs and landings– have to be re-inspected within 60 days。


More than 1,100 planes have been inspected so far, said Boeing, of which around 5 per cent were found to have this cracking。


Via The Independent

在狮航空难整整一年后,美国波音公司CEO出席了国会听证会,希望让停飞的737 MAX机型尽快解禁,但是遭到炮轰被批制造“飞行的棺材”。

波音737着陆后起火 网友:波音你咋那么多事儿呢?

US lawmakers have accused Boeing of building“flying coffins” and engaging in a“pattern of deliberate concealment” as it sought approval for its 737 Max 8 plane to fly。

波音公司被指制造“飞行的棺材”与“故意隐瞒”,寻求让波音737 MAX机型得以解禁。

Senators said they had serious concerns that Boeing put profits over safety as it rushed to get clearance。

参议员指责波音将经济效益置于飞行安全之上,不顾安全隐患,要求让737 MAX机型尽快投入使用。

Two deadly 737 Max 8 crashes killed a total of 346 people。

2018年狮航与2019年埃塞俄比亚航空两架737 Max 8飞机先后失事,共造成346人遇难。

Boeing accused of building‘flying coffins’ ViaBBC


波音737着陆后起火 网友:波音你咋那么多事儿呢?

Still DARE to fly with flying coffin。。。aiyo yo。。。i can not imagine。。OMG


波音737着陆后起火 网友:波音你咋那么多事儿呢?

Boeing is having another problem?Again?


波音737着陆后起火 网友:波音你咋那么多事儿呢?

I‘m done flying on any boeing


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