


据外媒报道,美国社交网站 Facebook(脸书)的首席执行官本周三(当地时间)宣布,将禁止用户在脸书上发布任何宣扬白人民族主义(White Nationalism )和白人分裂主义(White Separatism)的内容。

图 via foxnews.com

图 via theguardian.com

Facebook Inc on Wednesday banned praise, support and representation of white nationalism and white separatism on its social media platforms.


The policy will be enforced next week, the social media giant said in a blog post, and will apply to both the core Facebook app and Instagram.


▲Facebook bans white nationalism, white separatism on its platforms (via reuters.com)

图 via newsroom.fb.com;Facebook在自己的官方博客上宣布这条新规

除了禁止“白人至上”内容,据BBC报道,脸书将 进一步提高对恐怖组织发布的内容的鉴别能力,并过滤这些信息。

Thesocial media giant alsopledged to improve its ability to identify and block material from terrorist groups.

这家社交媒体巨头 还承诺 ,将提升平台鉴别和过滤恐怖组织发布的内容。

▲Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism (via bbc.com)

2018年年末,脸书宣布2018年平台共删除1400万条与恐怖主义相关的内容 ;而恐怖主义相关内容的数量正在增长。

图 via techcrunch.com



图 via CNN

The move came less than two weeks after the suspect in the terror attack at two New Zealand mosques streamed the massacre live on the platform.


Facebook (FB) said while it had long prohibited hateful treatment of people based on race, it hadn't applied the same rationale to white nationalism, "because we were thinking about broader concepts of nationalism, which are an important part of people's identity."

脸书称,平台长期禁止用户发布种族仇视的言论,但平台并没有将该原则用到 白人民族主义内容上,“因为我们曾认为民族主义的概念更大,民族主义也是每个人身份认知的一部分。”

It said it had reconsidered that after "conversations with members of civil society and academics who are experts in race relations around the world" who said, according to Facebook, "that white nationalism and separatism cannot be meaningfully separated from white supremacy and organized hate groups."


▲Facebook bans white nationalism two weeks after New Zealand attack (via edition.cnn.com)

图 via 网络

枪击案发生当天,枪手在脸谱、推特、YouTube等网络平台上直播杀戮的过程;视频信息迅速传播 。

事后很多人指责这些社交媒体平台助长了暴力的转播,且在暴力视频出现后应对速度迟缓 。因此,这些社交网络平台在这次枪击案中也有罪责。

图 via 网络

图 via recode.net;脸书巨大的用户数量是它最大的资产,但现在可能是最大的问题。

In the wake of shootings earlier this month in New Zealand, several world leaders called on social media companies to take more responsibility for the extremist material posted on their platforms.


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said social networks were "the publisher not just the postman", in reference to theirpotential liability for the material shared on them.

新西兰总理杰辛达⋅阿德恩表示,社交网络平台“是发布者而不仅仅是传话者”;此话意味着社交网络平台对于发布在平台上的内容有潜在责任 。

Facebook has previously acknowledged that a video of the attack was viewed more than 4,000 times before being taken down.


The company said that, within 24 hours, it had blocked 1.2 million copies at the point of upload and deleted another 300,000.


▲Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism (via bbc.com)

图 via 网络

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