提到“表情包 “,你脑海中首先会浮现出怎样的形象?
当我们把歪果仁表情包 玩坏的时候, 一些“亚裔 ”表情包突然走红网络。
比如放假之前,被期末支配的恐惧 :
被妈妈嫌弃 不做事情,只看手机
有没有觉得这些表情包和槽点好像似曾相识 啊?
小伙伴们是不是又感受到了熟悉的配方,熟悉的味道 。
这些表情包都出自Facebook上一个名为“微妙的亚洲特质”(Subtle Asian Traits) 的Po图。
The concept was simple: Share jokes about the traits, subtle or otherwise, that characterized the Asian-Australian experience, from cultural clashes with parents and the sanctity of bubble milk tea, to the groan-worthy pickup lines from white men on dating apps。
▲New York Times
@ Lawrence Fan吐槽,妈妈平时上乐购买菜,那个挑挑拣拣就好像在做实验一样。
@Anaya: 只有亚洲父母才会因为小孩给他们买礼物,大发雷霆
拿酒店的一次性拖鞋 招待客人:
@Jane Zhang
White people hosting dinner parties: oh don‘t you worry about your shoes, karen!
my parents:
@Jane Zhang白人开个party会说,没关系别脱鞋了。然鹅,我爸妈默默拿出了这个。。。。
[note: as I was trying to take this photo today my mom grabbed the bag and threw it back into the closet saying “tuo xie bu shi zhao xiang de, shi DA NI DE” (“slippers aren‘t for taking pictures of, they’re for hitting you”) ��]
妈妈: 三明治如果一面变黄了呢,就说明烤好了,你可以在上面放一些芝士然后翻面了。
我: 妈妈我能出门吗?
因为有着共同的跨文化成长经历 ,这个小组很快在亚裔移民群体中火起来了。
Powered by global immigration and the borderless procrastination magnet of social media, the Facebook group has become a gathering place for laughs and reflection on the complicated experience of first generation Asian immigrants who have grown up reconciling the expectations of their heritage and the identity of the country they call home。
“We’ve been brought up in the in-between,” said Angela Kang, 21, another co-founder。 And in the group that background is the norm。“Everyone’s just more supportive,” she said。 “Everyone understands。”
“我们在两种文化的间隙中长大,”21岁的小组共同创始人Angela Kang说道。在这个小组里,这个共同点成为他们的交集。“大家很支持这个小组,因为每个人都明白我们的成长背景。”
▲New York Times
Jin Angeles, who is twenty-six and lives in Toronto, told me that he has become much less apprehensive in opening conversations about his own Asian upbringing—topics that, before Subtle Asian Traits, would only come up if some event occurred to break a silence that he had never quite noticed before。
一个26岁在多伦多生活的小哥哥Jin Angeles 说,在加入这个小组之后,自己没有那么讨厌在公众场合谈论自己的亚裔背景和文化了。
▲New Yorker
@Amy Zhou: I was so baffled by subtle asian traits when I first got added but now I‘m so grateful for how it’s made me feel less alone in the nature of my relationship with my parents, social pressure, & all of the associated weirdness that comes from being a member of an Asian-X community。
@ Amy Zhou我刚加了这个小组之后,对细微的亚洲特质还有点困惑,但现在我非常感激这个平台,它让我知道原来我不是一个人。我们都有和父母意见不一样的时候,有这样那样的社会压力,因为我们是来自亚洲-X的家庭。
Ryan Okazaki, a student at the University of California, San Diego, took an ethnic studies class about Asian-Americans and politics this semester。 As part of a project, he and his group have been making more divisive posts, like this highway ramp meme with “talking about race” on one side and a car labeled “Asians” careening toward the side that says “boba, raves, anime, finding your Asian love interest。”
这个叫Ryan Okazaki的小哥觉得在亚洲特质表情包小组里,大家聊的话题总是吃吃喝喝,玩玩皮卡丘和珍珠奶茶的梗,但是故意避开那些敏感的种族话题。因此他特意做了一个表情包来吐槽这种现象。
Jeung Bok Holmquist points to examples like an East Asian guy tagging is Indian friend in a meme and calling him “not Asian。”
“When I first joined the group I thought it was kind of cute because it was an Asian meme group and there were just jokes about boba and food,” they said via Twitter DM。 “But now I think it‘s mostly moderate East Asians buying into stereotypes and not thinking critically about themselves。”
虽然还有诸多可以改进的地方,这个亚洲特质表情包小组的走红,让我们看到了西方亚裔移民的自信 。
他们可以一起骄傲地分享快乐 ,大方地自嘲 西方人对亚洲人的刻板印象,而不是对这些刻板印象畏首畏尾避而不谈。
这些年从亚裔特质表情包小组、到《摘金奇缘》票房大卖,再到《延禧攻略》登上谷歌搜索的榜首,这背后也离不开亚洲的影响力和话题感的上升 。
看到这里,你是不是也自豪自己是个亚洲人呢? 赶紧去下一套属于你的表情包吧!
文 : Qi Xijia