外媒:在这点上 印度和中国真没法比




当地时间2019年11月2日,印度新德里雾霾严重图 via VCG

当地时间2019年11月2日,印度新德里雾霾严重图 via VCG


Many Delhi residents complain of watering eyes, a persistent cough and a dull headache that lasts all day。


“The air smells acrid and awful; it feels heavy, as though it were enveloping all of us in a slow choke。 My sinusitis is making me miserable,” says 39-year-old Reem Khokhar, who provides consultancy services to tourism boards。 Work brought Khokar to Delhi in 2005 and she has lived here ever since, but she says the pollution has grown much worse in recent years。


Children, the elderly, asthma sufferers and the poor who don‘t have the means to protect themselves have been the most vulnerable to the city’s bad air, says Dr。 Vikram Jaggi, director of theAsthma Chest& Allergy Center in New Delhi。Every year when pollution spikes in the winter, Dr。 Jaggi says he sees a 30% increase in his patients。


▲As Delhi Chokes On Smog, India‘s Health Minister Advises: Eat More Carrots(via NPR)

图 via VCG

图 via VCG


It‘s been caused by growing volumes of traffic, construction and industrial activity, the burning of rubbish and crops, the use of fireworks during religious festivals and weather patterns which can trap polluted air in the lower atmosphere for long periods of time。


▲Delhi pollution: Is air quality in the Indian capital now improving?(via BBC)


There have been various measures adopted in recent years by the municipal authorities in Delhi to tackle pollution: converting vehicles to cleaner fuel, restricting vehicle use at specific times, banning the use of polluting industrial fuel, prohibiting the entry of the dirtiest vehicles into the city and closing some power stations。


And there have also been measures taken by the national government, such as opening two major periphery roads east and west of Delhi to take heavy goods traffic away from the capital- as well as introducing new fuel emissions standards。


▲Delhi pollution: Is air quality in the Indian capital now improving?(via BBC)

当地时间2019年11月4日,印度新德里,空气污染严重,当地实行私家车单双号限行图 via VCG

当地时间2019年11月4日,印度新德里,空气污染严重,当地实行私家车单双号限行图 via VCG

不过遗憾的是,印度的空气污染治理收效甚微。2018年11月,空气污染水平更是达到了世界卫生组织所建议的安全限度的20倍。(“In November 2018, levels reached 20 times the recommended World Heath Organisation‘s safe limits for air pollution。”▲Delhi pollution: Is air quality in the Indian capital now improving? via BBC)


。。。 at the peak of Delhi‘s pollution, when people all over the city were struggling to breathe, two federal ministers drew wide-spread criticism for tweets that either ignored the problem– or offered a puzzling solution。


India‘s Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Science and Technology, Earth Sciences, Dr。 Harsh Vardhan,tweeted that eating carrots would help:“Eating carrots helps the body get Vitamin A, potassium,& antioxidants which protect against night blindness common in India。 Carrots also help against other pollution-related harm to health。”


Meanwhile, the Minister of Environment, Forest& Climate Change, Information& Broadcasting, simplytweetedan encouragement for citizens to“start your day with music。”


▲As Delhi Chokes On Smog, India‘s Health Minister Advises: Eat More Carrots(via NPR)


外媒:在这点上 印度和中国真没法比

Health Minister Harsh Vardhanji launched new anti pollution Carrot mask for delhi people。


Thank you sir...now no pollution...

Thank you sir...now no pollution...



Only a few years ago, the capitals of Asia’s two biggest nations— India and China— were hovering around the same toxic air-pollution levels。 Today, the two cities are hardly comparable。 Beijing’s airis continuously improving, while Delhi’s pollution remains dangerously toxic。


。。。 the markedly divergent trends in Delhi and Beijing appear to reflect differences in the two governments’ ability to combat pollution。


▲The satellite images that help explain why Delhi’s air remains toxic and Beijing’s is getting better(via The Washington Post)

2019年11月3日,天安门广场在蓝天白云映衬下,景致壮美图 via VCG

2019年11月3日,天安门广场在蓝天白云映衬下,景致壮美图 via VCG


“The beauty of China is that if they want something to be done, they can do it,” said Aseem Prakash, founding director of the Center for Environmental Politics at the University of Washington。“Nothing stands between the decision and the implementation。”


▲The law that’s helping fuel Delhi’s deadly air pollution(via Vox)


The China Air Quality Improvement Report 2013-2018 released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in June said that in the practice of air pollution control in the past six years, China had explored and formed a model which highlights government‘sdominantrole and participation from enterprises and the general public。 This is a masterpiece plan in the history of air pollution control。


Without firm determination, strong mobilization, andexecutive abilities, it would be impossible to defeat such pollution。


▲India should look to China for its pollution solution(via Global Times)



文:Du Qiongfang

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