美媒感慨:中国的知识产权保护 的确越做越好了



(北京时间)今天下午,美中贸易全国委员会(US-China Business Council)的官方媒体《中国商业评论》(China Business Review)刊登了这样一篇文章:即使在贸易战前,中国的知识产权体系就已在改善。

(via China Business Review)

(via China Business Review)

文章的作者叫William Weightman,据介绍是Kobre& Kim LLP(美国高博金律师事务所)的一名分析师,工作涉及政府执法、国防和中国等领域。(“William Weightman is an Analyst at Kobre& Kim LLP where he works on matters involving government enforcement defense and China。”-viachinabusinessreview.com)

他还曾是一名富布赖特学者(指一项国际交流计划),在成都研究过中国的知识产权法、创新政策及司法改革。(“Previously, he was a Fulbright Fellow based in Chengdu, China, where he researched Chinese intellectual property law, innovation policy, and judicial reform。”- viachinabusinessreview.com)

(图via yourstory.com)

(图via yourstory.com)


In 2014, the Supreme People’s Court launched specialized IP courts in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou。


Since 2017, they have also launched 18 specialized IP tribunals across China。 While local courts used to hear IP cases as well, these new specialized IP courts and tribunals now have exclusive jurisdiction。


The creation of the national-level IP appellate court, similar to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, provides further central oversight over IP cases。


▲China’s IP System was Improving Even Before the Trade War(via China Business Review)






In addition to court reform, China has also begun to introduce technical investigators, expert assessors, and specialized IP judges to its system。 These experts are recruited from universities and research institutions and play an active role in court proceedings and assist judges with understanding complex technologies and scientific processes。


The specialized IP judges also have high standards for selection and must have at least 6 years of IP trial work experience。 These reforms have strengthened the fact-finding capabilities of the courts and tribunals and have increased the level of professionalism and fairness of trials。


▲China’s IP System was Improving Even Before the Trade War(via China Business Review)



此外,知识产权法庭/法院还在阻止侵权、保存证据、加大损害赔偿等方面不断做出提升。这些也都被作者所提及。(“。。。such as the use of injunctions to stop infringement during court proceedings, more robust evidence preservation techniques, and increased damage awards。”)

(图via cam.ac.uk)

(图via cam.ac.uk)

中国在知识产权保护上的改善有目共睹。上个月,美国《外交政策》杂志(Foreign Policy)也刊登过这样一篇文章:中国在知识产权方面的记录越来越好。

▲中国在知识产权方面的记录越来越好:中国正在从理念的净进口者向净创新者转型,而在转型过程中,它发现好的专利法律很重要(via Foreign Policy)

▲中国在知识产权方面的记录越来越好:中国正在从理念的净进口者向净创新者转型,而在转型过程中,它发现好的专利法律很重要(via Foreign Policy)

China’s revision of its patent law as part of accession into the World Trade Organization in 2001 represented a major step toward compliance with international standards。


Overall, China’s IP regime has made significant strides in just a few decades。 Minimum damage payouts for violations have continually increased, as have durations of patent protection。


Even the 2016 Special 301 Report by the generally bellicose USTR noted“[w]elcome developments” and“progress toward effective protection and enforcement of IPR in China。” China now ranks second globally(excluding tax haven countries) in annual spending on acquisition of foreign IP as well as in gross research and development expenditure。


▲China’s Record on Intellectual Property Rights Is Getting Better and Better(viaForeign Policy)





▲第二届中国进博会正在上海召开(图via Yang Hui/GT)

▲第二届中国进博会正在上海召开(图via Yang Hui/GT)



线上报装零成本 中国“获得电力”两项指标位居世界第一 首届中华姓氏申遗大会:推动申报“世界记忆遗产”