中国将建国家技术安全管理清单制度 外媒这样报道




中国将建国家技术安全管理清单制度 外媒这样报道

(via Twitter@globaltimesnews)


China will create a national technology safety management mechanism: Xinhua


中国将建国家技术安全管理清单制度 外媒这样报道

(via Twitter@globaltimesnews)


The move, which is taken according to the National Security Law and other related laws and regulations, aims to“more effectively forestall and defuse national security risks”。




中国将建国家技术安全管理清单制度 外媒这样报道

中美贸易争端愈演愈烈,中国可能限制技术外流(via AP)

China is creating a system to protect its technology, according to state media, as the U.S。 restricts the access of Chinese companies to American technology in a spiraling trade dispute。


The People’s Daily newspaper said Sunday that the system will build a strong firewall to strengthen the nation’s ability to innovate and to accelerate the development of key technologies。


“China。。。 will never allow certain countries to use China’s technology to contain China’s development and suppress Chinese enterprises。”


▲China may restrict tech access in spiraling US trade dispute(via AP)


中国将建国家技术安全管理清单制度 外媒这样报道

中国计划建立国家技术安全管理清单制度(via Bloomberg)

The development comes after the U.S。 government moved to curb Huawei Technologies Co。’s ability to sell equipment in the U.S。 and buy parts from suppliers there, potentially crippling one of China’s most successful global companies。 That step has helped broaden the tariff war into a wider confrontation between China and the U.S。, at a time when negotiations between the two sides have broken down。


▲China Plans to Create a Technology Security Management System(via Bloomberg)


It said the act would provide a legal basis to manage technology exports and counter American supply cutoffs to some Chinese companies。


“Since 2018, the U.S。 has repeatedly drawn on its domestic law to exert pressure on Chinese high-tech enterprises,” the English-language editorial read in part。“China’s countermeasures against the U.S。 require more legal weapons。”


▲China may restrict tech access in spiraling US trade dispute(via AP)


中国将建国家技术安全管理清单制度 外媒这样报道

(via Twitter@HuXijin_GT)

中国将建国家技术安全管理清单制度 外媒这样报道

《环球时报》总编辑:中国将遏制一些技术出口到美国(via Reuters)

China is preparing to curb some technology exports to the United States, the chief editor of China’s Global Times newspaper said on Saturday。


If enacted, the measures suggest Beijing would retaliate over U.S。 restrictions imposed on Shenzhen-based Huawei Technologies Co Ltd due to what Washington said were national security issues。


In a tweet, the paper’s editor-in-chief Hu Xijin said that China“is building a management mechanism to protect China’s key technologies。”


“This is a major step to improve its system and also a move to counter U.S。 crackdown,” he added。“Once taking effect, some technology exports to the U.S。 will be subject to the control。”


▲China to curb some technology exports to U.S。: Global Times editor(via Reuters)


整合:Du Qiongfang

原文:外媒, Twitter

图/题图:外媒, Twitter


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